The Pot Shop


You can receive a cashback of $4.46 when completing this order as a registered user. Click here to create or login into your account.
Free delivery on orders over $200.00
Add at least $170.38 more to enjoy the free shipping!

Billing details

United States (US)

United States (US)

Your order

Product Subtotal
STONEY PATCH  × 1 $29.62
Subtotal $29.62
Total $44.62
  • 1. Make sure you are enrolled with Zelle with your bank or download the Zelle App on your phone

    2. No Min Order

    3. We do not work with the following banks

    a. Fifth Third Bank
    b. First Tennessee Bank

    4. PLEASE ROUND DOWN your payment, so if it's 230.33 please ROUND DOWN to 230.

    After you have sent, please email us a screenshot of the payment with the confirmation number at


    Company Name: Helena LLC

    Payment Purpose: Handicraft

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Video instructions on how to pay with Cashapp to bitcoin

Here’s a video on how to pay bitcoin with cashapp.

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Go to to purchase Ethereum with Credit/Debit Card or Apple pay
Please Choose to purchase with either Moonpay or Transak

For Ethereum With Credit Card/Apple Pay with iOS and Andriod instruction, click HERE

For Ethereum With credit card with PC Browser , click HERE